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Awtan Almjd Development Co.,Ltd (AAD) is one of the leading development Companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specialized in the fields of IT, Oil & gas , Contracting, Trading & Industry.

Awtan Almjd Development Co.,Ltd is running its activities under the supervision of a team of professional specialists in devloping sizable projects . It owns the necessary experience, funding and man power to perform an important role in varied fields of activities. Awtan Almjd has shared successfully a lot of big projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Given its role as a development oriented company, Awtan has the broad experience, and own the multi- potentialities, in addition to the peculiar relations with prime specialized companies inside and outside the kingdom.


Industrial Projects

Professionalism at work and teamwork,
leads to achieve determined goals... More


Health Care SectorCooperation with Prime & Leading companies in the Healthcare field ..
